An absolute gem like this very, very seldom comes onto the market!! Situated in the Hephzibah Nature Sanctury you will be spoiled with a spacious, 3 bed, 3 bath (2 an-suite) house with balconies, a fireplace, indoor braai, 3 garages, river frontage, and much, much more! Hephzibah is hidden in the Hertzog mountains, comprising of 236 ha. There are only 50 privately owned stands. This nature sanctuary is located about 80km from Pretoria and 60km from Witbank, very close to the Ezemvelo Nature Reserve. Included in the deal is a lovely vacant stand of 1858m². Solar eradicates the effects of loadshedding. Amenities available include swimming pools, Jungle Gym, tennis courts, 9 hole mashie golf course, Snooker room, table tennis, 3 x catch and release bass dams, day hiking routes, waterfalls, rock pool for swimming and much more!