Leonard Onyancha


  • 2023 Second Runner Up - Africa Agent of the Year | Residential by Units

Leonard Onyancha

“Don’t just do it – do it exceptionally well!”

Bonjour! I’m Leonard and I’ve been working with Pam Golding Properties since February 2012. I specialize in sales in Mombasa Road & Kitengela. I am a development property consultant but I see myself as customer personnel because I not only sell property but I tend to go the extra mile. Whether it be an interior designer or an ISP you need connected, consider it done and consider it an after sale service! I am an amateur football player and a keen rugby fan. I also love the outdoors and travelling to new places. Get in touch and let’s discuss how I can assist you with your property requirements.

I have been in the real estate industry for over 9 years now. I started off as the development property consultant for Trident Park located in Langata before moving on to Thika town as a brief stint. I finally settled at Kitengela Plains in Kitengela.

I have expanded portfolio-wise and can now comfortably handle the South B & C, Embakasi, Syokimau and Mlolongo area. I currently hold a CPA 1 certification and am quite good with computers. My short term goal for the year is to enroll for a graduate course in Sales and Marketing or Human Resource Management.

Since working in the real estate industry I have been recognized for Top-End Sales, but my most notable achievements have been achieving two awards from Pam Golding for Highest Number of Units Sold in 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015. I can proudly but humbly say that despite the awards and attaining Top-End Sales, it has been quite an eye opening experience which has culminated in Sales worth Kshs 0.9 billion. Nothing makes me happier and more wholesome than seeing the sparkle in my client’s eyes when handing them the keys to their new home or investment.  

My most notable sale cannot be quantified in monetary terms but I have an attachment to this sale in that it took over 1 year of constant communication with the buyer in order to get him to communicate.

Working in the real estate industry has helped me develop in more ways than one. I have grown more resilient, patient, determined, focused and not to mention, optimistic! The industry has its own challenges that are not found in many fields. This made me develop a positive outlook on many issues especially when handling tough situations like negotiations, networking and so forth. It is and will always be an industry that I get to grow in and have many new learning experiences.

Live Remarkable.

“Your exemplary service and continued commitment to the Brand is commendable and wanted to take the time to let you know that you make us proud. Keep it up!”

Natasha Manji

“Thank you for taking time and taking us round the wonderful developments that you have, we haven’t been given such customer service before on our property search.”

Carren Oyier