Living in Atlantic Beach Estate
Areas near to Atlantic Beach Estate
Big Bay, Blaauwberg, Century City, Flamingo Vlei, Melkbosstrand, Milnerton, Parklands, Royal Ascot, Sunningdale, Sunset Beach, West Beach, Woodbridge Island,
In the area, you will find options to suit all ages in the surrounding Melkbosstran and suburbs of the Western Seaboard.
Visit the impressive Blaauwberg Netcare Hospital down the road or the Milnerton Mediclinic which is just 5 minutes away or head to the Canal Walk Mediclinic.
Visit the local Table Bay Mall, Paddocks Centre at Royal Ascot or head to Century City for world-class shopping.
Central Cape Town is just 20 minutes away by car and from here you can also easily take the MyCiti Bus route to connect to surrounding suburbs as well as the Cape Town’s International Airport.