Living in Lower Kabete
Areas near to Lower Kabete
Gigiri, Hurlingham, Karen, Kileleshwa, Kilimani, Kitisuru, Lang’ata, Lavington, Loresho, Muthaiga, Nairobi, New Muthaiga, Parklands Nairobi, Riverside, Runda, Spring Valley, Westlands,
Here you’ll find Farasi Lane Primary, Peponi House Primary and Lower Kabete Primary schools while neighbouring areas offer even more choice. The University of Nairobi campus can also be reached in less than 15 minutes.
Aroma Inc is a shopping store located in the immediate area while other nearby retail outlets includes Loresho Shopping Centre and the mega shopping malls in Westlands such as the Sarit Centre and The Mall.
The MP Shah Hospital offers specialised and general treatments to service the community on a 24/7 basis.
The bus terminal and taxi cabs along lower Kabete Road provide a good transport network that connects to most residential areas the City Centre which is less than 15 minutes away.