Living in Belfast
Areas near to Belfast
Barberton, Dullstroom, Hectorspruit, Komatipoort, Lydenburg (Mashishing), Malelane, Marloth Park, Middelburg, Nelspruit (Mbombela), White River, Witbank (eMalahleni),
There are quaint local fruit and veg markets in town as well as other small convenience stores. A short drive away in Middleburg or Nelspruit, you’ll also find a host of other shops and slightly larger shopping complexes.
There is a choice of schools in the area including Belfast Akademie, Belfast Primary and Middleburg Primary and High School in the neighbouring town. You’ll also be able to find boarding facilities in nearby Nelspruit.
For all your needs, head to Vermooten Street in town where you’ll find the HA Grove Hospital which is supported by local doctors and specialists.
Belfast is one of SA’s highest regions, and is known for getting rather chilly at times. The subtropical climate here brings mild summers when most rainfall occurs, while the winters are dry and known to have cold evening temperatures.