Existing Calf Farm Sale in Colleen Glen. Beyond Calves, a well-established calf production farm, with a capacity to rear approximately 4500 calves annually.
The farm comprises of the following:
Size: 97 hectares in total
Fully approved Water Use license for 4 boreholes with tested yields of 26k, 21k, 20k & 4k liters per hour
Irrigation license for 60 hectares
330 kva, 3 phase supply transformer
A fully functioning 5 tower pivot, with an 8mm pack, remotely monitored surveillance camaras for cable theft, remote start/stop from field net phone app, irrigating 30 hectares of kikuyu based pastures
Additional 55 hectares of Kikuyu based grazing camps, with 5 hectares of sprinkler irrigation
Overnight irrigation holding dam with a capacity of 1,4m litres of water Large 5,5Kw irrigation pump 4
A set of 3,3kva step-up & step-down transformers for the pivot and borehole, with 600m subsoil electric cable
A citrus bunker with a capacity of 850 cubic meters of citrus
Two new feed silos with a capacity of 32t & 17t
An 80 000 litre concrete reservoir for animal drinking water and domestic use, with articulation pumps
Old dairy building, with old 15 aside fishbone dairy, with 3 phase power supply
A new feed mixing shed with a floor size of 600 sq meters, with 3 phase power supply.
A calf rearing shed with a floor size of 1300 sq meters, with 3 phase power supply, with subfloor linear drains. High speed Calf Milk mixing facility with a capacity of 2000 litres, and powder blender and pump, 2 x calf milk dispensers, Powder milk storage facility
High pressure gas water heating system, with a large flow capacity
350 calf hutches inside the calf rearing shed
Infrared light heating system for calves
Calf processing area with built in scale
55kva auto stop start, 3 phase, generator
Offices and staff toilets
Staff living quarters with kitchen and ablution facilities
12 outside calf shelters accommodating 1200 calves
State of the art calf handling facility with scale
Newly renovated 3 bedroom farmhouse with outbuildings
3 km of 1,8m, 18 strand electric fencing with alarms
Well developed, fully electrified grazing camps
Moveable equipment (can be excluded or sold separately)
o John Deere 5090E with front loader and bale handler
o New Mahindra 4x4 TLB
o 1x Nissan 4x4 Hardbody LDV
o Milk mixing and dispensing equipment
o 2x Stallion 55 teat, calf milk feeding trailers
o 1x Kawasaki 750 cc 4x4 petrol RTV
o 1x Kubota 900 cc 4x4 petrol RTV
o Nubili mulcher
o 14 meter crop sprayer
o 500 kg fertilizer spreader
o 3800kg feed mixer, with scale and mixing software
o 8t forage feed out wagon with scale and mixing software