Very few farms in the Karoo make respectable returns on investment, this farm is the exception. This farm is about 5000 Ha with a couple of subdivisions, The farm enjoys 35 Ha of irrigation rights under the Leeu Gamka irrigation scheme.The farm is riddled with river veld with sweet veld (Blou Buffel - bankvas! etc and acacia trees) the farm has thick acacia in some areas, Topography has flat areas and numerous undulating koppies.
Game and livestock : The farm has excellent game fencing , registered for Rhino and Buffalo, divided into about 7 camps . Currently there are cattle(about 15), sheep(about 200)Springbok (various colour variants), Kudu, Gemsbok, Eland, Wildebeest, Impala, Zebra and 5 giraffe.
Irrigation: 35 Ha registered under the scheme. Three new centre pivots and modern drip irrigation ensure crops are well watered, currently there is a rotation of onion seed, carrot seed and lucern production. There is a very strong borehole for backup.Soils are loamy and well drained.
Electrical Power ,laugh at eskom ! mostly off the grid with solar.
Shedding : sheds are massive with solar panels on the roof and an onion drying plant in place.
Machinery/implements: full range of implements is being sold with the farm
Labour: Two energetic managers reside on the farm , other labour is bought in daily as required.
Housing: One of the sheds has very neat modern threee bedroomed flats on either end, there is also two four bedroomed newly renovated houses,
The seed production has prooved to be very profitable , the game and stock have incredible potential.
This is a stunning productive farm and very well priced.
Seller is registered for VAT.
Viewing to be arranged by the agent only.