The excellent infrastructure and luxury accommodation options have been used to support the commercial cattle farming operation and as accommodation for tourists and professional hunters.
Special care has been taken to develop and maintain this farm to it's full potential. The well-thought out and meticulously maintained infra-structure lends this farm to be one of the best cattle farms in the country. More than a thousand heads of cattle can be accommodated with ease.
Two fully operational farmsteads.
• Three bedroom house.
• Automated entrance gate.
• Four workers houses.
• Cattle pens.
• Two barns each 350sqm.
• 1.9km landing strip.
• Solar system and water supply.
Main farmstead.
• 440sqm luxury farmhouse.
• Three bedrooms, open plan kitchen, large veranda and three fire places.
• Three separate apartments for guest/staff.
• 260sqm barn.
• Fully solar system with strong water supply.
• Cattle pens.
Both farmsteads have fully operation solar- and battery electricity supply with sufficient output capacity to run all light industrial work required as part of the day-to-day operations of the farm.
In addition to the two farmsteads, you will also find a ‘hidden gem' on the slopes of the mountain of the farm, the Jagterskamp (hunters nest). From here you can enjoy the most spectacular views.
• Total de-bushed area of 6200ha mechanically and chemically.
• Follow-up de-bushing done in 2019.
Camp network.
• More than 40 camps ranging from 500ha to 15ha close the farmsteads.
• 250km network of fences in excellent condition.
• Each camp with dedicated water supply.
• Internal roads along the fences.
• Cattle can be moved to loading decks via alley ways throughout the farm.
• 18 Water points connected to 13 different boreholes.
• Waters are serviced by solar system or windmill.
Equipment, furniture and vehicles included in the sale valued at N$ 5mil.
Current shareholding and legal structure allow for easy transition of land to local or international buyer.