Property details

Erf size:
120.92 ha

Commercial Table and Wine Grape Farm

A fully operational table and wine grape unit available in Wellington. Operation certified for the required food safety accreditations. Water Use License registered for 475 000 m³ water from the Berg River Irrigation Scheme. Equipped borehole supplies water for household and livestock consumption, registered for 63 875 m³. Land use: Table grapes: 64,48 ha Wine grapes: 8,50 ha Arable land (plantable) 18,35 ha Farmyard, roads, waste & open land, etc. 29,59 ha Buildings: Main house ± 272 m² Manager's house (gate) ± 150 m² Manager's house (dam) ± 272 m² Pack shed and office ± 2 500 m² Implement shed & workshop ± 576 m² Creche & school ± 119 m² Staff accommodation Electricity supplied by Eskom, small solar system as backup during loadshedding. Offered as a going concern, list of movables available on request.

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